If you see any of these, check your firewall settings, and make sure Punkbuster is fully updated and running properly.
Battlefield hardline fix install#
These codes mean your game couldn’t connect to the Punkbuster servers or Punkbuster couldn’t install an update.To fix these, reinstall PunkBuster from the latest game update patch. #9001 - Console variable (CVAR) value failed range check.To fix it, try creating a simpler name with fewer special characters in it. This one means you’re using unusual symbols instead of letters or numbers in your name.#151 - Extended ASCII Characters in Player Name.
To appeal a PunkBuster ban or suspension, you need to contact Even Balance directly. We can’t overturn any bans or suspensions issued by PunkBuster. PunkBuster is not owned or operated by EA. PunkBuster is required for online play in: PunkBuster is cheat detection software-designed and maintained by Even Balance-that we used in some classic EA games. Find out what to do next if you were banned or kicked by PunkBuster, and troubleshoot your PunkBuster installation.