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Meshcam 6 slow path time

Hoelun was still a young woman, but she would never remarry and would have no more children. The two youngest children belonged to her husband’s other wife (the latter a very shadowy figure in the story). The oldest, the future conqueror of much of Asia, then called Temüjin, was nine. G E N G H I S K H A N ’S M OT H E R One cold spring day, Genghis Khan’s mother found herself abandoned on the banks of the Onon River in Mongolia. Prologue T h e G r a n dmo t h e r of U s A l l ­A lfr e d, L or d T e n n yson, “U lysse s” Come, my friends, ’Tis not too late to seek a newer world. The long day wanes the slow moon climbs the deep Moans round with many voices. I also express here my deep appreciation of my husband, Sean Hribal, without whose patience and help this book could not have been written. Two anonymous readers for Princeton University Press made helpful suggestions. My friend Walter Scheidel offered encouragement and advice on several points. I thank Rob McQuilkin and Rob Tempio for their faith in this book and their many efforts in its support. Good-­Bye to All That 367 Notes 371 Bibliography 397 Index 443

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What Are You Talking About? Menopause in Traditional Societies 302 Chapter 11 Women’s Hell: Menopause and Modern Medicine 257 Chapter 10 The Modern World 225 Part III: Cultur e Chapter 9 Reproduction and Non-­Reproduction in Some Agrarian Societies 187 Chapter 8 The Age of Farmers: Patriarchy, Property, and Fertility Control 154 Chapter 7 Our Long Stone Age Past: How Grandmothers (Maybe) Conquered the World 129 Chapter 6 Putting the “Men” in Menopause: Male-­Centered Theories of Human Evolution 68 Chapter 4įoragers Today: Hunting, Sharing, and Super-­Uncles 94 “Thank You, Grandma, for Human Nature”: The Grandmother Hypothesis 40 Chapter 3 To my mother, Nancy Garland Mattern, and to the memory of my grandmother, Josephine Chatfield Garland.Īcknowledgments xi Prologue The Grandmother of Us All 3 Part I: Evolution Chapter 1

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PR INCETON UNI VERSIT Y PRESS P R I NC ET ON & OX F OR DĬopyright © 2019 by Princeton University Press Published by Princeton University Press 41 William Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 6 Oxford Street, Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1TR All Rights Reserved LCCN 2019935935 ISBN 9780691171630 British Library Cataloging-­in-­Publication Data is available Editorial: Rob Tempio and Matt Rohal Production Editorial: Natalie Baan Text Design: Leslie Flis Jacket: Amanda Weiss Production: Merli Guerra Publicity: Sarah Henning-­Stout and Katie Lewis Copyeditor: Sarah Vogelsong This book has been composed in Arno Pro and Baskerville Printed on acid-­free paper. The S c i e n c e, H i s t o r y, and M e a n i n g of M e nopaus e.7 Reproduction and Non-Reproduction in Some Agrarian Societies

Meshcam 6 slow path time